As a graphic designer, I am driven by the endless possibilities of creating something visually stunning. Beauty captures the eye and design tells the story. I strive to intertwine both in my work, taking inspiration from the beautiful world around us. I believe joy can be found even in the smallest things and I keep this in mind while designing, intentionally creating every detail with meaning!
When I’m not designing I love enjoying a good iced coffee and soaking in the sunlight, or taking a long walk to notice God’s intentional creation.
I am a recent graduate of West Chester University of Pennsylvania and obtained my BFA in Graphic and Interactive Design and minor in Digital Marketing in 2024. Go Rams!
Professionally, I had the opportunity of interning at Smithworks Design Communications in the fall of 2022 in which I assisted with the design of logos, websites, and advertisements, further expanding my knowledge on Adobe programs and other software. The following year, I interned for my professor in which I was responsible for assisting with the production of the 2023 Bachelor of Fine Arts Catalog. In this role I utilized Adobe Creative Cloud to design the cover and inside layout. More recently, I had the opportunity to design a mural for the university’s Global Engagement Office which was installed to provide a welcoming environment for international students.
I am determined to continue elevating my knowledge of creating exceptional design!
2025, AIGA Baltimore Finalist, Flux Design Competition / Video + Motion Graphics / “Foundations”
2025, AIGA Baltimore Finalist, Flux Design Competition / Identity / “Frosty’s Garden”
2024, Top Portfolio, BFA Senior Exhibition Award
2024, Top Five Portfolio, BFA Senior Exhibition Award
2024, Best of Show Packaging, BFA Senior Exhibition Award / "Frosty's Garden"
2024, Best of Show Publication, BFA Senior Exhibition Award / "Drift"
2024, New Talent Silver Award, Graphis / "Two Birds & One Scone"
2024, AIGA Baltimore Finalist, Flux Design Competition / Identity + Branding submissions
2023, Art Foundation Award, academic 2023-2024 scholarship
2023, Daedalus Literary Publication, 2023 issue
2023, AIGA Baltimore Finalist, Flux Design Competition / Identity + Branding submissions
2022, Best of Show, Junior Food Truck Showcase / "Two Birds & One Scone"
2022, Cody DiAngelo Award, 2022-2023 academic scholarship